Ms. Dakota Bumbaca (EHMS) signed for Water Polo at CSU Northridge.
2024-25 Varsity Roster
Cap# NAME YR 1 Luong, Alan 12 2 Nair, Ayaan 12 3 Ewing, Maya 11 4 Raj, Gaurav 11 5 Tu, Calvin 11 6 Mai, Jason 12 7 Russell, Justice 12 8 Muyco, Jaydiem 11 9 Bao, Ivan 12 10 Tran, Nguyen 9 11 Isidro, Justin 11 12 Bulai, Michael 9 13 Xayrath, Audrey 12 14 Bumbaca, Dakota 12 15 Nguyen, Sophia 10 16 Alvizo, Justin 12 16 Song, Kyan 12 18 Nguyen, Vincent H. 12
Congratulations to Women’s Water Polo who has overcome the odds of having a very small roster and made it to the playoffs for the FIRST TIME EVER in the history of the Mustangs!
They will play this Tuesday, 5:00pm at Woodcreek! Purchase tickets on the GoFan app. Go Mustangs!

Head Coach: Aja Bumbaca